Friday, January 11, 2013

Go Hard or Go Home

"Take me out the game coach I don't wanna play no mo
If I can't give it all I got and leave it out there on the court"
                                                         --LeCrae, "Go Hard"

That's exactly how I am feeling right now about the Princess Half.  I am going out there and even if I run so hard I puke, I'm leaving it all out there.  

That sounds sick.  Why on earth would anyone with to put themselves through that?  Why would anyone wish to run and run until they feel ill?  Why would anyone want to do something like that? 

I see my running as a ministry.  Not necessarily to the world, or my community, but to myself.  I think sometimes when we look at all of the hurt and pain in the world, we forget to minister to ourselves.  To grow ourselves.  To allow ourselves to revel in what God has given us.  James 1:2 says "Consider it pure joy, brothers, when you face trials of many kinds."  

People face trials all the time.  I have friends who have recently gone through heartbreak.  I've had young friends deal with cancer.  I've watched friends lose children, students, parents suddenly and unexplainably.  I'm not going to venture as to why people go through trials.  But I know this:  in the end I'll have a choice as to whether or not I've praised God through every single trial.  I have to give it all I have and leave everything on the court.

The point is, regardless of the trial, it's not acceptable to give up.  Running has become an action of me not giving up on myself, not letting simple things like slight knee pain, blisters on my toes, and a little bit of thirst stop me from going for the end.  It's a trial I've given myself to that I can push myself in the trials that really matter--whether or not I'm going to show love to my neighbor, and whether or not I'm going to be a forgiving person.

In all of these things, I'm going to "Go hard, or go home." 


  1. What a great committment to yourself! I'm sure you will be a blessing to others as well. Keep you attitude positive and everyone benefits, especially when you point them to the Lord!

  2. Aw, thank you, Lauren! That is so sweet of you to take the time and visit!
